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a safe space

What to expect from us, and what we expect from people attending our events

InkWell is inclusive. We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. We can find strength in diversity.

We strive for an environment that is productive and creative, where no one feels uncomfortable.

Be kind to others.

Choose your words and actions carefully:
• Do not insult or put down others.
• Don’t make discriminatory jokes or use discriminatory language.
• Don’t make threats of violence.
• No unwelcome sexual attention.
• If someone asks you to stop something, then stop.

Confidentiality is important to give people the space to share experiences and emotions. What is said in a session, stays in that session. Their tale is not yours to tell.

If you feel that someone has not respected these guidelines, speak to Portland or Ian, so that we can resolve the issue.

If you cannot respect these guidelines, and thus our InkWell community, you may be asked to stop coming to sessions.

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